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Bluebird Banter Library: Blue Jays Options and Outrights Table


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The Bluebird Banter staff would like to proudly introduce the Bluebird Banter Library: a place for Toronto Blue Jays fans to quickly access important information about the club. One of the highlights is a table which shows how many options a Blue Jays player has remaining, and in which years he was previously sent to the minor leagues.

To access the library click on the tab on your desktop device or the menu button on your hand-held device.



Right now our library only has a small collection, but we hope to populate it with interesting and useful resources for the Blue Jays fan. The inaugural collection includes a few things that have been posted in the past that will continue to be updated regularly:

Of course, the highlight is a great new resource compiled by reader MjwW: a table showing the option and outright status of every Blue Jays player on the 40-man roster (and a few who aren't). Quite often I would not know which players can be optioned and which cannot, and it is typically not trivial to find this information online but thanks to MjwW we can just head over to the Blue Jays Option and Outright Status page of the library to check.

Since there is no commenting feature in the library (because you shouldn't talk in libraries) I have reposted MjwW's work here for your discussions, questions, and comments. Go ahead and bookmark that page for even faster access when you need to find out whether or not a player can be sent down to the minors.

CORRECT AS OF 2014-02-28 (For up-to-date information visit this page)


PlayerPos.Can Option?Can Outright?MLB ServiceAdded to 40-ManOpt 1Opt 2Opt 3Previous OutrightNotes
Jose BautistaRFNoNo8.16512/200320052006
Mark BuerhleLHPNoNo13.0787/2000
Melky CabreraOFNoNo7.1487/2005200520062008
Brett CecilLHPNoNo3.1525/2009200920112012Optioned & recalled in 2010 within 20 days
Steve DelabarRHPYesYes2.0159/20112012
R.A. DickeyRHPNoNo8.0074/20012001200320062001Outrighted in 2006, elected FA after season
Kyle DrabekRHPYes*Yes2.0719/201020112013
Edwin EncarnacionDHNoNo8.08511/2003200420052010Optioned less than 20 days in 2007 & 2010
Ryan GoinsSSYesYes0.03911/20122013
Anthony GoseCFYesYes0.1417/20122013Optioned & recalled in 2012 within 20 days
J.A. HappLHPNoNo5.0476/200720072008Optioned less than 20 days in 2010, 2011
Liam HendriksRHPYesYes0.1679/201120122013
Drew HutchisonRHPYesYes1.1284/20122013
Maicer IzturisIFNoNo9.0388/20042004
Casey JanssenRHPNoNo7.0634/200620062009Optioned & recalled in 2011 within 20 days
Jeremy JeffressRHPNoNo1.0176/20102010201120122013
Chad JenkinsRHPYesYes0.1188/20122013
A.J. JimenezCYesYes0.00011/20122013
Erik KratzCYes*No1.1587/2010201020122010
Brett Lawrie3BYesYes2.0558/2011
Adam Lind1BNoNo6.0589/2006200720082012Optioned & outrighted in 2012 within 20 days
Aaron LoupLHPYesYes1.0837/2012
Dustin McGowanRHPNoNo7.11311/2003200420052006
Deck McGuireRHPYesYes0.00011/2013
Brandon MorrowRHPNoNo6.0914/200720082009
Dioner NavarroCNoNo7.0919/200420052010Optioned & recalled in 2012 within 20 days
Sean NolinLHPYesYes0.0015/20132013
Luis PerezLHPNoYes2.11911/2008200920102011
Kevin PillarOFYesYes0.0478/2013
Colby RasmusCFNoNo5.0004/2009
Rob RasmussenLHPYesYes0.00011/2013
Todd RedmondRHPNoNo0.12911/20082009201220132010
Jose ReyesSSNoNo10.1116/2003
Esmil RogersRHPNoNo3.13511/2007200820092010
Sergio SantosRHPNoNo4.00011/20052006200720082008
Moises SierraOFNoYes0.10511/2010201120122013
Mickey StoreyRHPYesNo0.0828/201220132012Claimed off waivers & DFA in 2012
Josh TholeCYes*No3.0858/200920102013
Neil WagnerRHPYesNo0.1588/201120122012Optioned & recalled in 2013 within 20 days
Kenny WilsonCFYesYes0.00011/2013

Can option?
- "Yes" means a player can be unilaterally optioned by the club. "Yes*" means optional waivers are required prior to the player being optioned. "No" means the player is either out of option years, or the player's consent is required.

Can outright? - "Yes" means the team can outright the player upon clearing waivers without the player having the right to elect free agency. "No" means the player can reject the outright assignment and elect free agency

MLB Service - Credited service time as of January 2014, from Baseball-Reference.com in date format yy.ddd. For example, 3.102 means a player has three years, 102 days of service time. 172 days are needed to qualify for a full year of service time, although a player cannot earn more than one year's service in a season.

Added to 40-man - Date the player was first added to the 40-man roster, in date format mm/yyyy.

Opt 1/2/3 - Years that the player's first / second / third option years were used, if applicable. Use of fourth option year, if applicable, is indicated in notes.

Previous outright - Year that the player was first previously outrighted off a 40-man roster, if applicable.


PlayerPos.Can Option?Can Outright?MLB ServiceAdded to 40-ManOpt 1Opt 2Opt 3Previous OutrightNotes
Brett CarrollOFNoNo2.1026/20072007200820092010Fourth option year in 2010 (DL time in 2008)
Jonathan DiazSSYesNo0.0096/20132013Optioned & outrighted in 2013 within 20 days
Dan Johnson1BNoNo3.16811/20032004200520062008Outrighted in 2010-11, 2013
Munenori KawasakiIFYesYes1.1373/20122013Potential 4th option year
Andy LaRocheIFNoNo3.10311/20052006200720082010Elected FA after 2010 outright (3 years ST)
Bobby KoreckyRHPYes*No0.09111/2007200820092009Claimed off waivers & DFA in 2009
Tomo OhkaRHPNoYes-.---7/1999199920002001
Mike NickeasCYes*No1.1089/2010201120122012Outrighted after 2013, re-signed as FA
Juan PerezLHPNoNo1.11211/20052006200720112011Waiver claim in 2006, released in 2009
Ricky RomeroLHPYes*No4.03311/200820132013Optioned & recalled in 2009 within 20 days
Steve TollesonIFNoNo0.16111/20082009201020122011Outrighted 11/2012, refused assignment

Note: All other organizational players are not believed to have ever been added to a 40-man roster, and therefore retain their full complement of options and the ability to be outrighted off the 40-man if added.

Sources: Baseball-Reference, BlueJays.com, TSN.ca.

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Coming next to the Bluebird Banter Library: a primer on baseball transactions.

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