Michael Pineda takes the mound against Drew Hutchison and the Blue Jays in game two this afternoon. SEATTLE KNEW....oh wait, no. No they did not.
Comment of the Game
Once again,Pun Dog comes through for Pinstripe Alley. Blanky is technically the COTG winner, but the award probably goes to Pun Dog more than her.
Best GIF of the Recap
There really weren't a lot of GIFs in the Recap Thread yesterday. I would normally save this for the HMM, but since Matt's GIF is the only one that was blue'd, he wins the BGOTR award.
Honorable Mod Mention
See above
Best Comments of the Day
You know, I'm not sure what helped SteelNets win the first COTD more; the fact that his comment was blue or the fact that I first read his username as SteelNuts, due to the topic he was posting in.
Rorschach wins the second COTD award with his honesty about protecting the family jewels. For if there is anyone on Pinstripe Alley who knows about testicles, it is he!
Fun Questions
- Who do you currently think is the "ace" of the Yankees' staff?
- If you brought food to Yankee Stadium, what would you bring?
Something Canadian for today, since we are in Canada. As always, link us your Song of the Day!