What are you getting the Blue Jays fan in your life?
I figured that with about a week of shopping days left until Christmas, we should have a thread giving our best baseball related Christmas present ideas and tell us something that you would like to get for Christmas.
I guess, easiest, quickest idea would be a jersey with the name of one of our new Blue Jays. Maybe a Russell Martin jersey?
I think I'd go for a Donaldson jersey, but with my record of buying jerseys just to have the guy traded the next week, I'm a little afraid to put his name on my back.
Maybe tickets to see the Blue Jays in Montreal. I'm planning on going, and Minor Leaguer will be there, you could buy us a bière.
Though, maybe, if you are going to a spring training game, you'd rather go to one in the warmth of Florida? Tickets are on sale now. Florida in March is pretty great. If you were looking for the perfect gift for your favorite blog manager, a flight to Florida and a tickets to a handful of games would be high up on the list.
If a trip is a little out of your price range, maybe a book would work:
- Next on my reading list, whether it is under the Christmas tree or not, is Up, Up & Away, Jonah Keri's book about the Montreal Expos.
- Or, you can cheat a bit. Maybe someone on your list would like '501 Baseball Books Fans Must Read Before They Die'. 501 books might be a little bit of over kill, you really ought to read some other stuff, now and then, but I'm sure this would point you to some fun reads.
- Or perhaps you know a Gary Carter fan that would like to read his autobiography? I have this one. He was a little holier than thou but I wouldn't hold that against him. He really did seem to enjoy the game.
- Or, maybe you know someone that would rather watch than read. For them Baseball: A Film by Ken Burns is on DVD. It is a nice overview of history of baseball.
- If you know someone that would rather do their reading on line, a subscription to Baseball Prospectus or ESPN.com or perhaps Baseball America. I have subscriptions to the first two, on ESPN, I mostly just read Keith Law. Baseball America I don't have, I do wonder if it would be worth the money, maybe someone on here has it and can talk on that.
- My favorite subscription is MLB.tv. For $129.99, you get all of the MLB games. I have my computer on almost all the time and, during the season, I generally have a game playing in the corner of the screen. I don't pay close attention but if something interesting happens I can follow closer. If there is an exciting game, I can switch over to that. If you don't want to spent that much, you can get MLB Audio, which gives you the radio broadcast of every MLB game.
For non baseball presents, I got the complete series WKRP in Cincinnati DVDs and they are as funny now as they they were back when they were made. If you are looking for something for me, the Beer of the Month Club would likely work. Or maybe the complete Sandman Collection, in hardcovers, Volume 1 and 2
So give us your Christmas ideas, and left us know what you'd like to see if your name on under the tree.