NJ.com | Maria Guardado: While the Yankees have been monitoring Johan Santana's progress as he strives to return to the majors, they'll be facing some competition if they want to add him to their team.
ESPN New York | Andrew Marchand: The folks over at Bovada have not given the Yankees great odds to win the World Series in 2015 - in fact, they've got the fourth lowest odds among those in the AL East, beating out just the Tampa Bay Rays.
It's About the Money | Brad Vietrogoski: Before revealing the top 30 prospects in the Yankees system, take a look at the five that just missed the cut, including Dermis Garcia and Nick Rumbelow.
LoHud Yankees Blog | Chad Jennings: What if some of the things that could go wrong in Spring Training do go wrong? Taking a look at how the Yankees can respond if some of the worst-case scenarios come to pass.
New York Post | Ken Davidoff: The Yankees have made some improvements this offseason, but overall, the Bronx Bombers have lost ground to both the Blue Jays and the Red Sox.