Former Jay Joe Inglett turns 34 today.
Joe was a Jay from 2007 to 2009, but the season we remember is 2008. He got a lot of playing time, mostly because Aaron Hill missed most of the season with the concussion, from the collision with David Eckstein. He was great that year. The picture of the gritty infielder. He hit .297/.355/.407 and gave the team a much needed spark. He had 7 triples and stole 9 bases. Joe was fun to watch with the high socks and the all out running style. He was moved to the leadoff spot in early July and kept the job the rest of the year.
John Gibbons named him Voodoo Joe because twice he was sent down to Syracuse and then a Jay was injured the next day so Joe got to stay with the big league team.
The next year he was up and down between the Jays and Vegas. He didn't have the same impact with the team. After 2009 he signed with Milwaukee. The National league is really a better place for a utility player. He got into 102 games with the Brewers. He played a bit with the Astros, last year, but was released in late May. I don't know where he went after that.
Happy Birthday Joe. Hope you have a good one. I really enjoyed watching you play.